Best Thing to Cover Grass Seed (On the Cheap!)

While many gardeners are tempted to grow the best shrubs and to plant as many perennial flowers as they can, some of us are just trying to do our best to maintain a healthy lawn. Unfortunately, when seeding your lawn, getting the grass to grow properly can be a challenge. Let’s face it; it’s a … Read more

Will Dead Grass Grow Back? (And How To Do It!)

You’ve heard and seen the horror stories, and now it’s happened to you.! Your once beautiful luscious green grass is dead! What do you do now? It is going to cost you a fortune to start over. Isn’t there something you can do to revive your dead grass?  If your lawn has been dead for … Read more

What Are The Signs Of Lawn Grubs And What To Do About Them?

Have you ever noticed dead patches of grass popping up all over your lawn? Harsh summer heat, over-watering, or tarp disease could be possible causes, or you could be sitting with a lawn grub problem. Grubs are larvae of various beetles such as Junebug, Japanese Beetle, and May Beetle that live underground in the soil … Read more

Should I Pull Crabgrass By Hand? [Crabgrass Removal 101]

Weeds, especially persistent ones, are a nightmare for every professional gardener, hobbyist, or homeowner. Weeds in the lawn can put a frown on anybody’s face, none in the least bit crabgrass! But is pulling the plant out by hand the best removal practice? Or is there a better, more efficient and long-term solution to crabgrass … Read more