How Much Fertilizer Per Acre Of Food Plot? (For Dummies)

To grow healthy, nutritious food plots, you’ll need to ensure healthy soil; nature has a tough time replenishing nutrients in the ground without adding fertilizer. You will be far better off planting a smaller food plot using the right amount of fertilizer than planting countless acres of food plots with inadequate soil, lime, and fertilizer.  … Read more

How Long Does It Take A Food Plot To Grow?

Fall is the time of the year that all deer hunters look forward to. The bucks you have been watching throughout summer are looking magnificent, and you’re already dreaming of adding a set of huge antlers to your collection. But they may not be as enthusiastic about that idea as you are, so your chance … Read more

How Do You Screen A Food Plot? (And Why You Need To!)

Let’s cut straight to the chase− food plot screening is a major underutilized step of food plotting. It’s vital for deer to feel safe when feeding, and screening a food plot is on the top list of highly effective solutions.  Screening food plots have benefits, including daytime feeders, lower stress levels, bedding opportunities, and hunter … Read more

Frost Seeding Food Plots (And How to Do It!)

Conventionally, the soil is tilled before seeds are planted to prepare the soil and ensure good contact between the seeds and the soil. This helps the seeds germinate evenly. In parts of the world where the ground freezes over winter, there is a no-till method of seeding food plots that harnesses the natural action of … Read more

Food Plots On A Budget (Less Money, More Deer!)

Food plots can be expensive; with all the needed equipment and the (sometimes) overpriced seeds, it can begin to be a burden on the bank account. But does a food plot really need to be expensive? How do you create a food plot while on a budget? How to create a successful food plot on … Read more

Does Throw And Grow Food Plot Seed Work? (The TRUTH)

Following the latest planting trends can drive a guy crazy with the food-plot craze still running full steam! But, it’s pretty simple; you need a realistic expectation, the right spot, and the right seed. There is an option called “throw and grow” food plot seed, but does it work? “Throw and grow” seed mixes sold … Read more

Best Food Plot For Turkeys [Breakdown + Ranking]

Food plots are excellent for attracting and maintaining wildlife and game for the best hunting opportunities. Food plots are effective for many species, but most of all, turkeys. The trick is to use the right food plots to attract turkeys and maintain a healthy turkey population. The best food plots for turkeys are clover, soybean, … Read more

Best Food Plot For Deer Antler Growth (Grow Big Bucks!)

Every hunting season, we all dream of bagging a huge one – a magnificent buck with massive antlers that will be the envy of friends and neighbors when they see the trophy displayed over the fireplace. Whether you plan to harvest deer yourself or invite hunters to your property, ensuring that the animals are in … Read more