Does Pool Water Kill Grass? (Saltwater And Chlorine Explained)

A backyard swimming pool is a great way to entertain your friends and family! On a hot Summer’s day, splashing about in a swimming pool is fun and will cool you down quickly. Keeping a swimming pool clean and sparkling involves regular maintenance with chemicals and freshwater to top up the levels. 

Swimming pool water can kill your grass if the conditions are right. Splashes from the pool onto the grass will not do any significant damage, but undiluted chemicals poured directly onto the grass will. Spray down any affected areas with clean water to prevent the chemicals from killing your grass.

While splashing about in the pool, have you ever stopped to wonder what happens to your lawn when the pool water is splashed onto it? Surely, if the water contains chemicals, it will damage your carefully maintained and well-manicured lawn? Let’s see what the experts say about pool water and your grass.

Will Swimming Pool Water Kill My Grass?

The answer to this simple and often asked question is not that easy! The answer depends on the type of pool that you have and whether you add chemicals or salt to the water to keep it free from germs.

Photo by rajat sarki on Unsplash

Chlorine and salt are generally added to swimming pool water to kill off organisms like bacteria and algae in the water. Still, sunlight, warm air- temperatures, and an abundance of cyanuric acid can add to the growth of bacteria and fungi in the pool.

The correct answer to the question, then, is yes and no. The chemicals found in swimming pool water cannot harm your grass in a diluted form, but undiluted and poured directly onto the grass, it will kill your grass!

There are two ways of ensuring that your swimming pool water is bacteria and algae-free.

Chlorinated Swimming Pools

Chlorine effectively eliminates bacteria and algae in swimming pool water and, through oxidization,  destroys dirt and chloramine. A pool without Chlorine is not safe to swim in and will become a breeding ground for parasites, viruses, and bacteria.

It is simply not safe to operate your swimming pool without the necessary chemicals to eradicate contaminants and bacteria in the water.

Chlorine will not harm swimmers in the pool if they wait for at least 2 to 4 hours after the quantity has been poured into the pool water before they swim. Chlorine in swimming pool water can cause skin irritations and sore eyes, and a lingering smell of Chlorine on your skin, but it is safe when used in your pool at the correct levels.

Adding chemicals to your swimming pool water will not harm your lawn as it is a controlled amount that becomes very watered down in a significant body of water. 

So, can Chlorine harm your lawn? Not really! In the proper doses, Chlorine will not damage your grass. Even when it is splashed onto the lawn from your pool, swimming pool water will not kill your grass!

If, however, you spill some undiluted Chlorine onto your grass while you are pouring a dose into the swimming pool water, then yes, that patch could get damaged! If this does happen, water the area quickly and thoroughly with fresh water – you might be able to save the patch of grass!

Saltwater Swimming Pools

Salt is often used as an effective weed killer as the plant absorbs the salt, disrupting its growth cycle and eventually killing it. So, if a considerable amount of salt can kill pesky weeds, it certainly can kill your grass if you pour it directly onto the lawn!

Saltwater can harm your grass but only in large quantities and when undiluted. Splashes from the pool onto the grass should not cause too much damage, but, over time, saltwater could kill off patches of your grass!

If any saltwater is spilled onto the grass, water it down as quickly as possible with fresh water to remove or dilute any salt from the grass.

Chlorine is used in saltwater pools to sanitize the water through a pool pump. Saltwater is popular in swimming pools as it makes the water softer-feeling and the chlorine smell is not as strong on the skin. 

Saltwater pools are definitely not as harsh on your skin as Chlorinated pools, but they can irritate your eyes. Always wash your face and ears with fresh water after swimming in a saltwater pool. 

So, even though a saltwater swimming pool sounds like it uses fewer chemicals than a Chlorinated pool, it really doesn’t! The effects on your grass are still the same when using salt instead of Chlorine, but with the added build-up, saltwater can destroy your grass from the roots up, causing brown patches on your lawn.

Can I Backwash My Pool Onto My Lawn?

What about backwashing your pool onto your lawn? Surely the enormous amount of water and the added chemicals will damage your grass? Yes, excess backwashed or drained swimming pool water can damage your lawn if it is not drained properly. 

Image by Victoria Islas from Pixabay

Before you decide to backwash or drain your swimming pool, check to see what the regulations in your region are. Some regions have precise rules concerning how the excess water should be directed.

The best way to prevent any damage to your grass during the backwashing and draining process is to stop adding chemicals for at least ten days before starting the process. Sunlight will help to evaporate and break down the chemicals which should outgas from the water over time. 

Before you backwash your swimming pool water, test the chlorine and PH levels and only backwash when the levels are much lower than usual. This should prevent the water from destroying your plants and grass.

Chlorine and saltwater can easily leach into your lawn and destroy your grass if the backwashed water is directed over the lawn. The water should always be directed away from your garden and lawn areas by using an outlet pipe. 

Wrapping Up

You can safely enjoy a day in the pool without worrying about the damage that pool chemicals will do to your lawn.

If the amount of pool water splashed onto the grass is a concern to you, simply grab a garden hose and spray the area down with fresh water. The kids will enjoy the additional water games and should do the job for you!

Be extra careful when adding chemicals to the swimming pool water to prevent undiluted substances from dropping onto the grass and causing damage to your beautiful lawn!

So pool water is safe BUT your dog is killing your grass!

Click the button below to read our article on how your dog urinating in your lawn can kill your grass and what you can do about it. This is MUST KNOW information for dog owners!